Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Accidental racist

Racism continues to be the Elephant in America's collective living room. In fact Paisley uses the very term. I will blog more about my thoughts on racism in future posts. Conceptually I like the idea of two musicians like LL and Brad opening discussions on racism. They both have a degree of credibility that is transcendent. They are also superstars in their genres giving each a large audience.
So it is a good idea.

My concern is that unfortunately the drawback of their art form (songs being a short medium) and their industry (bottom line dictates song content has to be dumbed down to have broader appeal of consumers) has produced a song that doesn't hit the topic of racism as hard as these two gentlemen are capable of hitting. The songs focus on stereotypes derived from the perceptions each would have looking at the other's closing choices doesn't begin to address the myriad of affects racism has on our society. It actually accidentally makes each apologetic for how they are dressed.

The discussion on racism needs more than what is offered here. Needs more teeth and substance from persons on LL's and Brad's level. However, two should be applauded for the start. Musically the song is catchy and the title and content will get some persons thinking and spur on discussions. We just need more.

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