Thursday, December 05, 2013


Today we lost a giant.  For those of us born and/or raised after the generation of  Dr. King, Nelson Mandela serves as the champion for civil rights that we personally connect with.  South Africa, and every other nation on earth, still has a long way to go.  But this man born of warrior-chiefs.  A Boxer. A Lawyer.  After 27 years in prison he was determined to achieve peace and reconciliation, even while those closest to him preferred to bare arms.  If you seek a historical comparison look to Christianity.  The long awaited Messiah was expected to lead the children of Israel with a sword against the oppressive Roman regime.  2000 years ago Jesus emerged with a message of peace.   20 years ago Nelson Mandela insisted that even the former oppresssors shall participate in a new South African government. 

I was blessed to witness through the magic of television his release from prison and his inauguration. He shall forever be a symbol of strength and the possibilities of unity. 

Rest in Peace. Rest in Heaven 

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