Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ball player by day

JR Smith plays superhero in Chelsea

JR Smith has really embraced his role on the Knicks.  During his days in Denver SMith was known as a streak shooter who never saw a shot we wouldn't take nor a pass he wanted to make.  He also played, at best, matado defense.  With the Knicks, particularly under Woodson, he has stepped up his game on the defensive end and has shown a lot more willingness to play within the offensive flow.  Sure there are the occasional bad shots.  But he is one of those guy who provide leadership as well as clutch shooting off of the bench.  In general I like to see athletes embrace the young fans and just do anything that is of some good away from their playing field.  Great to see Smitty in this feel good article.  Continue to play the role of Super Sixth Man and lead the Knicks towards a championship.

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