Monday, February 11, 2013

Jim James: Cool people ruin music

Jim James: Cool people ruin music

I purchased this album without knowing a damn thing about Jim James.  I sampled a few tracks and was sold.  I connected immediately.  It is secular music that allows the freedom to dwell upon things above us.  Whether that is the spirit realm, cosmos and science, or informal escapsim is up to you to decid3e.

Now I share with you in my first blog post in years.  Blogging might become my new thing.  Yeah i said this before.  And who knows how much blogging I'll do in the future.  guess you gotta stay tuned.

From the article: 

I grew up on, and kind of came of age, during the grunge movement, and was introduced to Neil Young and Bob Dylan and grew up on that path. But in recent years I’ve gotten more turned on by gospel music and even secular artists like Marvin Gaye or Curtis Mayfield or Sam Cooke — singers who started off in church, and I’ve gotten into their church recordings

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