Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A new world of sound

WHile checking out this video I decided to watch it without the volume.  That's because 1. She previsously never heard sound and that is how she nwould have experienced watch a video, and 2. I wanted to feel her emotion by watching the reactions on her face. 

I actually first heard of the implant she recieved several years ago watch an episode of "Without A Trace" titled Andy in C-Minor.  In this episode the team investigated the dissapearance of a student from a school for the deaf.  Feel free to watch the episode to find out what happened.  What I will say that struck me and stands out from the episode is that one of the students (maybe the missing student, just  go and watch the episode) was a candidate for the Cochlear implant.  Not only was he torn about the decison the people who he was closest with were not too happy about it.  His parents were also deaf and there was a considerable amount of societal caused ridicule, pain, stigma, and discrimination that was caused to them.  The idea of the son recieving the implant was seen as betrayal and also a disrespect of their struggle and their very being.  THis was also the sentiment experienced by others who were close to him.  This epsisode and concept was applicable to any group deemed to be outsiders and any action taken by a member of that group that is perceived as siding with those that label the group outsiders.  Think of it in terms of interracial dating, or a member of a poor or working class environment striving to get a HArvard education, or children of immigrants hanging with their "American" friends.  You can apply the dynamics and struggle of this episode to many situations.

I am not sure whether Amy--from the posted video had any struggles of the like.  What I do know is that I enjoy hearing my son's voice or the voice of any loved one.  And her face said it all as she heard what she heard for the first time.  Check it out for yourself.

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