Thursday, February 28, 2013

This nap is NOT happening

This might be the funniest thing I have seen in a long time.  But besides being funny it reminds me of my little guy.  During his pre-fear days while he was discovering things about how he, or the world, works, this is precisely the typ of things he might have done.  I remember when he was a little over the age of one he experienced the upside down view of the world. I am not sure when, where, or,how he made that discovery.  But not quite yet being able to walk he would make his way to the wall and stand himself up.  The first thought is oh how cute he is learning hw to pull himself up, which he did.  Nope, that wasnt a big deal for him as it was so '3 1/2 months ago'.  He immediately went into attempting to do headstands

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